Hammer AppFunc

The simplest Owin AppFunc that works

When learning new frameworks and libraries I always like to find the simplest thing that works.  It helps me to separate in my mind what is core and what is helper stuff.  When it comes to debugging it is always nice to be able to strip away the helper stuff. No frameworks allowed! While working […]

Mr User Agent

The much maligned User Agent header

This post is the first in a series of posts that will explore some piece of the HTTP specification with the objective of providing practical insights into the uses and abuses of the feature. Consider these posts my attempt to provide HTTP guidance in language that is slightly more digestible than the official IETF specifications. […]

Boxing Identity

We all need an identity

A brewing debate in the .Net community recently came to a boil when Brendan Forster attempted to address an open issue for the Octokit library, Signed Octokit Releases, Yay or Nay? It is an interesting debate with many strong opinions.  Unfortunately I think the debate is down in the weeds and I’d like to add a bit of a […]


Posting raw JSON to Web API

I see questions almost weekly on StackOverflow where someone is trying to POST JSON and receive it as a string.  The problem is that Web API has two modes, “serialized object” and “HTTP message”.  Receiving raw JSON as a string falls between the two. Usually the question goes something like, “Why does the jsonBody parameter in the […]


It’s time for a change, and more of the same.

Starting next week, I will be joining the Runscope team.  Runscope provides tools that help developers debug, test and monitor Web APIs.  This is a company that lives and breathes HTTP.  If you know me, I’m sure you understand why that appeals to me. Although I have been building distributed business applications for more than 20 years, […]

Can a HTTP cache serve a response?

Caching is hard, draw me a picture–Updated

This is my attempt to make the HTTPbis caching rules more accessible and hopefully shine a light on how powerful HTTP caching can be. I’ve been working on a Pluralsight course that talks about how to use the Microsoft HttpClient library.  One of the areas I cover is how to take advantage of HTTP caching.  […]

Web Standards W3C

Web Standards Search Engine

I always struggle to use the IETF and W3C web sites to find Web standards that I am looking for.  Google and Bing work ok for finding stuff if you can hit the right keywords, however if the terms you are searching has other more popular usages, then you have to wade through irrelevant results. […]

Travis Software

Tavis.Link and dependencies

I’m currently writing a bunch of media type parsers and have been struggling with the question of whether it is wise to take a dependency on Tavis.Link.  I do believe that libraries should be as loosely coupled as possible and I really don’t like libraries that have a big web of interdependencies.  However, when I build […]


Convert attributes to elements in XSLT

I was working on some reporting stuff and thought I had an issue where I needed to have elements instead of attributes. I found that the following XSLT would do that conversion for me. view rawgistfile1.xslt hosted with ❤ by GitHub Turns out that I didn’t need it, but I figured it would be handy to keep […]

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