Glenn Miller Loved HTTP

In The Mood For HTTP – Episode 3

The recording for episode #3 is now available on Crowdcast and YouTube. In this episode we cover issues like API description languages, security weaknesses in HTTP APIs and the illusive HTTP status code 410 Gone. Some of the questions we attempted to answer this week include: Links from the show include: Keep your eyes on our twitter accounts @darrel_miller and @gblock for the […]

In the Mood for HTTP

In The Mood For HTTP – Open Q&A

As a software developer today it is pretty difficult to avoid working with HTTP in some capacity.  There also seems to be a growing desire among developers to get a deeper understanding of the protocol.  Recently Glenn Block and I decided it might be interesting to do a online Q&A about HTTP and try and answer developer […]

302 Baby

302 – Found

After an interesting summer of working on OSS projects, doing a keynote in Australia at DDDMelbourne, and getting ever closer to finishing that Pluralsight course, I now have a new role to sink my teeth into I have joined Microsoft as an API Evangelist.   That means if you are building HTTP APIs, my role is to try and help.  Whether you are […]

Glasses Reading IETF Specs

Navigating DRY IETF Specs

I’ve been reading IETF specifications for a number of years now and I find them fairly pleasant to read.  But I remember when I started there were a whole bunch of huh!? moments.  Since then I have learned many of the conventions and developed a few tricks that make the process easier.  I was just […]

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