In the Mood for HTTP

In The Mood For HTTP – Open Q&A

As a software developer today it is pretty difficult to avoid working with HTTP in some capacity.  There also seems to be a growing desire among developers to get a deeper understanding of the protocol.  Recently Glenn Block and I decided it might be interesting to do a online Q&A about HTTP and try and answer developer […]

Glasses Reading IETF Specs

Navigating DRY IETF Specs

I’ve been reading IETF specifications for a number of years now and I find them fairly pleasant to read.  But I remember when I started there were a whole bunch of huh!? moments.  Since then I have learned many of the conventions and developed a few tricks that make the process easier.  I was just […]

Service Discovery Seal

Service Discovery : Redux

Yesterday, I had a thought.  It didn’t fit into a tweet so wrote a few paragraphs.  I was very pleased with myself, finally getting round to writing again after a few months off.  That was, until two different people who I respect highly, told me I was wrong.  That part sucked. Who Can Do This For […]

Sad Cloud hates APIs

Are You Or Your Customers Leaking Your API Keys?

Several months ago I wrote a post called Where, oh where, does the API key go?  I encouraged API providers to allow consumers to put the API Key in the Authorization header to help avoid accidental disclosure of keys via things like web server logs.  I recently bumped into a way that anyone can harvest hundreds […]

API Producer Auth Token

Where, oh where, does the API key go?

Yesterday on twitter I made a comment criticizing the practice of putting an API key in a query string parameter.  I was surprised by the amount of attention it got and there were a number of responses questioning the significance of my objection.  Rather than try and reply in 140 character chunks, I decided a blog post […]

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