302 Baby

302 – Found

After an interesting summer of working on OSS projects, doing a keynote in Australia at DDDMelbourne, and getting ever closer to finishing that Pluralsight course, I now have a new role to sink my teeth into I have joined Microsoft as an API Evangelist.   That means if you are building HTTP APIs, my role is to try and help.  Whether you are […]

Web API Cookie Cutter

The Simplest Possible ASP.NET Web API Template

I recently needed to create a new Web API project for some content I’m working on for a talk.  I decided I might as well use the ASP.NET Web API Template to get started. The resulting project looked like this: 75 class files, 23 Razor templates, 34 unique Nuget packages, and 28 Javascript files before I wrote […]

.net fringe

Dot Net Fringe

The last few days I spent at the DotNetFringe conference in Portland.  Considering this was the first time this conference has been run it was executed spectacularly well. Off To A Great Start The opening keynote was done by the one and only, Jimmy Bogard who delivered a candid history of his experience working on OSS projects, […]

Yak API Keys

Share Your Code, Not Your API Keys

Part of my role at Runscope involves me writing OSS libraries or sample projects to share with other developers.  I also regularly use 3rd party APIs in the process.  This requires the use of API keys and other private data that I’d rather not share.  Unfortunately it is all too easy to leave a key in a […]

Measuring URLs

Constructing URLs the easy way

When building client applications that need to connect to a HTTP API, sooner or later you are going to get involved in constructing a URL based on a API Root and some parameters.  Often enough when looking at client libraries I see lots of ugly string concatenation and conditional logic to account for empty parameter […]

Rube Goldberg Machine Testing

Continuous Integration, Deployment and Testing of your Web APIs with AppVeyor and Runscope

Fast iterations can be very valuable to the software development process, but make for more time spent doing deployments and testing.  Also, more deployments means more opportunities to accidentally introduce breaking changes into your API.  AppVeyor is a cloud based continuous integration server and Runscope enables you to do integration testing of your Web APIs, […]

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