I had heard conflicting rumours about the significance of the trailing slash, so I decided to go googling. If you explore the first few hits you will find all sorts of discussions about cool urls, the impact on SEO, the performance benefits of avoiding server redirects, amongst other stuff. However, I found nothing that seemed […]
Ayende posted an item a few days ago about a disappointing experience he was having with a software vendor, XHEO. Today the company responded on its blog. I tried to post the following comments on the blog but for some reason my comments have not appeared. Let me summarize how your response could be interpreted: 1) Ayende is misrepresenting […]
Just catching up on some posts in the Yahoo group rest-discuss and there is some great wisdom in there. It is the hypermedia constraint that makes REST as a stylegreater than the sum of its constraints. It is the focal pointand amplifier of all the constraints. – Aristotle Pagaltzis Well-designed URIs are great, but they […]