Optimizing 3 Babies

Optimizing for the Speed of Light

It is true three women can’t make a baby in 3 months, but it also doesn’t take 27 months for them to have 3 babies! You might be wondering what on earth I am talking about but this is something I see API developers getting confused about regularly. There is oft-repeated guidance that if an API […]

Arvore Tree

When Opportunity meets Momentum

Over the past few years, I have occasionally dreamed about what would be my perfect job.  Of course it would have to involve HTTP APIs. But beyond that, my background in ERP software leaves me longing for solving business problems for users.  My experience at Runscope as a developer advocate reaffirmed my desire to spend […]

Http Scaled

OpenAPI is not what I thought

Sometimes I do my best thinking in the car and today was an excellent example of this.  I had a phone call today with a the digital agency Authentic who have been hired to help you stop saying Swagger, when you mean OpenApi. I’m only partially kidding. They asked me some hard questions about why I got involved in […]


HTTP Pattern Index

When building HTTP based applications we are limited to a small set of HTTP methods in order to achieve the goals of our application. Once our needs go beyond simple CRUD style manipulation of resource representations, we need to be a little more creative in the way we manipulate resources in order to achieve more […]

REST x Restful

RPC vs REST is not in the URL

In Phil Sturgeon’s article Understanding REST and RPC for HTTP APIs, he makes the assertion that the following URL is not technically RESTful.POST /trips/123/start I have made a habit of countering these assertions of “non-restfulness” with the following question:   Can you point to the REST constraint that is violated and the negative system effects due […]

Restful API

Back to my core

I’ve spent a large part of the last two years playing the role of a technical marketeer.  Call it developer advocate, API Evangelist, or my favourite title, API Concierge, my role was to engage with developers and help them, in any way I could, to build better HTTP APIs.  I have really enjoyed the experience […]

Glenn Miller Loved HTTP

In The Mood For HTTP – Episode 3

The recording for episode #3 is now available on Crowdcast and YouTube. In this episode we cover issues like API description languages, security weaknesses in HTTP APIs and the illusive HTTP status code 410 Gone. Some of the questions we attempted to answer this week include: Links from the show include: Keep your eyes on our twitter accounts @darrel_miller and @gblock for the […]

In the Mood for HTTP

In The Mood For HTTP – Open Q&A

As a software developer today it is pretty difficult to avoid working with HTTP in some capacity.  There also seems to be a growing desire among developers to get a deeper understanding of the protocol.  Recently Glenn Block and I decided it might be interesting to do a online Q&A about HTTP and try and answer developer […]

Service Discovery Seal

Service Discovery : Redux

Yesterday, I had a thought.  It didn’t fit into a tweet so wrote a few paragraphs.  I was very pleased with myself, finally getting round to writing again after a few months off.  That was, until two different people who I respect highly, told me I was wrong.  That part sucked. Who Can Do This For […]

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