API Discovery

Distributed Web API discovery

The site apisjson.org defines a specification for creating a document that declares the existence of an API on the web.   This document provides some identification information about the API and links to documentation and to the actual API root URL.  It also supports pointing to other resources like API design metadata documents and contact information for maintainers […]

Web API Cookie Cutter

The Simplest Possible ASP.NET Web API Template

I recently needed to create a new Web API project for some content I’m working on for a talk.  I decided I might as well use the ASP.NET Web API Template to get started. The resulting project looked like this: 75 class files, 23 Razor templates, 34 unique Nuget packages, and 28 Javascript files before I wrote […]

.net fringe

Dot Net Fringe

The last few days I spent at the DotNetFringe conference in Portland.  Considering this was the first time this conference has been run it was executed spectacularly well. Off To A Great Start The opening keynote was done by the one and only, Jimmy Bogard who delivered a candid history of his experience working on OSS projects, […]

Three Body Problem

Solving Dropbox’s URL Problems

A recent post on the Dropbox developer’s blog post talked about the challenges of constructing URLs due to the challenges of encoding parameters.  They proposed the idea of using encoded JSON to embed parameters in URLs. I believe URI Templates offer a much easier and cleaner way to address this issue.  This blog posts shows how. I’ve […]

Sad Cloud hates APIs

Are You Or Your Customers Leaking Your API Keys?

Several months ago I wrote a post called Where, oh where, does the API key go?  I encouraged API providers to allow consumers to put the API Key in the Authorization header to help avoid accidental disclosure of keys via things like web server logs.  I recently bumped into a way that anyone can harvest hundreds […]

Yak API Keys

Share Your Code, Not Your API Keys

Part of my role at Runscope involves me writing OSS libraries or sample projects to share with other developers.  I also regularly use 3rd party APIs in the process.  This requires the use of API keys and other private data that I’d rather not share.  Unfortunately it is all too easy to leave a key in a […]

Alphabet API Car

API Design Notes: Smart Paging

If you spend any time reading about API design or working with APIs you will likely have come across the notion of paging response data.  Paging has been used in the HTML web for many years as a method to provide users with a fast response to their searches.  I normally spend my time advocating […]

Meerkat Query String

Don’t Design A Query String You Will One Day Regret

When writing the Web API book, we decided that there was no way we would ever finish if we tried to address every conceivable issue.  So we decided to setup a Google Group where readers of the book could ask for clarifications and ask related questions.  One question I received a while ago has been sitting on my to-do list […]

Monks Debating Hypermedia

Hypermedia, past, present and future

Hypermedia is not a new concept, it has been around in various forms since the 1960s.  However, in the past seven years there has been a significant resurgence of interest in the concept.  This blog post contains my reflections on the past few years, where we currently are and where we might be headed in […]

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