Posting raw JSON to Web API

I see questions almost weekly on StackOverflow where someone is trying to POST JSON and receive it as a string.  The problem is that Web API has two modes, “serialized object” and “HTTP message”.  Receiving raw JSON as a string falls between the two. Usually the question goes something like, “Why does the jsonBody parameter in the […]


It’s time for a change, and more of the same.

Starting next week, I will be joining the Runscope team.  Runscope provides tools that help developers debug, test and monitor Web APIs.  This is a company that lives and breathes HTTP.  If you know me, I’m sure you understand why that appeals to me. Although I have been building distributed business applications for more than 20 years, […]

Travis Software

Tavis.Link and dependencies

I’m currently writing a bunch of media type parsers and have been struggling with the question of whether it is wise to take a dependency on Tavis.Link.  I do believe that libraries should be as loosely coupled as possible and I really don’t like libraries that have a big web of interdependencies.  However, when I build […]


Troubleshooting serialization problems in Web API

I see many questions on Stackoverflow and the MSDN forums where people are having difficulty because the objects they are trying to return from there API are not being serialized as they expect.  Consider you have an API action that looks like this: What are you supposed to do to debug what is going wrong […]

Dry Suppleness

Don’t sacrifice suppleness to the DRY gods

Consider your application has feature A and feature B, and in order to implement each of these features you need to invoke functions X, Y, Z: The gods of DRY would proclaim that you should create a new function to encapsulate the behaviour of X,Y,Z.  However, I would argue that unless that group of functions […]

Hypermedia Markup

Hypermedia Client Maturity Model

There have been a number of attempts to define a maturity model for building RESTful services.  The idea of the maturity model is that is gives an indication how closely the service complies with the constraints of REST and hopefully demonstrates the trade offs to be expected when choosing to not follow a particular constraint. One area […]

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