The OWIN specification defines a delegate called appFunc that allows any OWIN compatible host to work with any OWIN compatible application. This post shows you how to turn an ASP.NET Web API into an AppFunc. AppFunc is defined as , using AppFunc = Func<IDictionary<string, object>,Task>; In other words, a function that accepts an object that implements IDictionary<string,object> […]
In the previous post in this series, we talked about how to create a Windows Service that would use an OWIN compatible host, to host an OWIN HTTP application and package that up into an easy to manage executable. This post describes an approach to deploying that executable using simple command line tooling. Push vs Pull Deployments […]
ASP.Net Web API made it fairly easy to create a self-hosted HTTP server. However, the process of taking that self-hosted server and deploying it was an exercise that was left to the reader. This series of blog posts documents the refinements that I have made to my process of creating and deploying self-hosted web servers. […]
When learning new frameworks and libraries I always like to find the simplest thing that works. It helps me to separate in my mind what is core and what is helper stuff. When it comes to debugging it is always nice to be able to strip away the helper stuff. No frameworks allowed! While working […]
This post is the first in a series of posts that will explore some piece of the HTTP specification with the objective of providing practical insights into the uses and abuses of the feature. Consider these posts my attempt to provide HTTP guidance in language that is slightly more digestible than the official IETF specifications. […]