Mr. Grimes Farewell If this is the kind of FUD that Mr. Grimes usually puts out I’m glad he is giving up on .Net commentary column. His complaints from what I can see: – They copied stuff from WFC and VB. – The framework is too large for shareware developers, so it will never gain momentum. – Visual Studio is not written in .Net so they must have no confidence in the framework. – There was no reason for Vb.Net other than to help move VB programmers to .Net, and other than it was a “tired” language and it didn’t support multi-threading and … – Microsoft uses classes where they should have used interfaces. and the best line “I take the decision to make Avalon available to other versions of Windows as a lack of confidence in the sales of Longhorn” What a crock! I expect much more than this whining piece of drivel from someone as respected as Richard Grimes.