The world’s simplest WCF Web API

We all have to start somewhere, and I like to start with the simplest possible thing that works.  So I created a Console application and used NuGet to pull in the WebAPI.All package which contains all my dependencies.[1] Once that was done, all I need is this: If you point a browser to http://localhost:9000 you will get your first […]


Web APIs: Don’t be a victim of your success.

It seems everyone these days wants an API for their web application.  Getting a primitive Web API up and running can be deceptively simple. However, what many people don’t realize is that with the success of an API can come a variety of problems. As developers, we are used to dealing with unforeseen problems, we […]


REST in Montreal

If you were at my talk at devlabmtl I would like to thank you for coming.  I hope you found it useful.  In the talk I made reference to a bunch of resources and I just wanted to provide you with some links. Hypermedia Application Language (hal) http://restafari.blogspot.com/2010/10/evolving-hal.html Mike Amundsen’s site that contains a whole lot of insight […]

WCF dot net

WCF HTTP – work in progress

So, I’m still working on that walkthrough of the Contact Manager.  Not sure how valuable it is now that Glenn posted his latest summary.  Between that and the session at PDC you should be able to get a pretty good idea how it works. So the code for this project is all available on the Microsoft site. […]

WCF dot net

Microsoft WCF gets serious about HTTP

Chances are, if you have read any of my blog posts before, you will probably be aware of my appreciation of a certain HTTPClient library that appeared in the WCF REST Starter kit a few years ago.  After a very long incubation period and some periods of uncertainty about its future I am really excited […]

Rest Fest

RESTfest was a blast

Back from RESTfest, tired but happy. Three days of intense conversations, debate, opinions and presentations. It was an amazing opportunity to learn from everyone. We all got a chance to present as you can see by the 26 videos we broadcast. Unfortunately, due to my videoing inexperience and our low tech approach, many of the […]

Agent Fielding

Agent Fielding is on a mission

This is a continuation of a series on a Rest Agent library I am building for accessing REST apis.  The first post is here and and the second is here. So far the only significant operation that we enabled our RestAgent to perform is NavigateTo().  However, for a RestAgent on a mission, going places is only half the […]


Rest Agent uses hypermedia

As I alluded to in my first post, REST clients really should be driven by hypermedia.  So how can our RestAgent class access this hypermedia and its links.  Ideally, given a single root URI, I would like to be able to do: Before I talk about the magic that is going on under the covers here, […]


The StackOverflow question that couldn’t stay open

This http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3285704/why-does-rest-exist is the question that I want to give an answer to.  I am answering here because people keep closing it.  Sorry, the post refers directly to issues raised in the question and so won’t make much sense without reading the question first.  I would even recommend reading version of the question prior to editing as […]

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