HTTP in depth

Over the past few months I have written a number of posts relating to HTTP that have attempted to clarify some of the lesser understood areas of the HTTP specification and provide some practical guidance. Posts that are complete Posts that are on my backlog Feedback If there are posts in the backlog that you would like […]

Query String Squid

Caching resources with query strings

This afternoon Scott Hanselman posted a fairly innocuous question on twitter.  However, the question involved versioning of a RESTful API, which is a subject that is sure to bring out lots of opinions.  This post is less about the versioning question and more about the commonly held belief that caches do things differently with URLs that have […]

Uber API

A drive by review of the Uber API

Uber recently announced the availability of a public API.  I decided to take it for a spin and provide some commentary.  The quick version is that it is a fairly standard HTTP API and that is both a good thing and a bad thing. You can find the official documentation for the Uber API on their […]

Vary Header Accident

The Insanity of the Vary Header

In my first deep dive into a HTTP header on the user-agent header I said that I would try and produce a series of posts going under the covers on certain HTTP headers.  This post is about the Vary header.  The Vary header both wonderful and sad at the same time.  I’ll discuss how to make it work […]

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