As a software developer today it is pretty difficult to avoid working with HTTP in some capacity. There also seems to be a growing desire among developers to get a deeper understanding of the protocol. Recently Glenn Block and I decided it might be interesting to do a online Q&A about HTTP and try and answer developer […]
After an interesting summer of working on OSS projects, doing a keynote in Australia at DDDMelbourne, and getting ever closer to finishing that Pluralsight course, I now have a new role to sink my teeth into I have joined Microsoft as an API Evangelist. That means if you are building HTTP APIs, my role is to try and help. Whether you are […]
I’ve been reading IETF specifications for a number of years now and I find them fairly pleasant to read. But I remember when I started there were a whole bunch of huh!? moments. Since then I have learned many of the conventions and developed a few tricks that make the process easier. I was just […]
I just read Adam Ralph‘s post Blog == Weblog and I was inspired. I started blogging 10 years ago because I wanted an outlet for my thoughts. I didn’t take it particularly seriously as you would see if you dig back to the early days. [ed note: which would be easier if my blog host actually provided an […]
Yesterday, I had a thought. It didn’t fit into a tweet so wrote a few paragraphs. I was very pleased with myself, finally getting round to writing again after a few months off. That was, until two different people who I respect highly, told me I was wrong. That part sucked. Who Can Do This For […]
Here’s a thought that wouldn’t fit into a tweet and will serve the purpose of breaking my blogging dry spell. With all the attention that microservices is currently receiving I regularly hear people talking about service discovery. When trying to co-ordinate multiple different services working together, it is critical to be able to dynamically configure […]
The last year has been been a very interesting one. In April 2014, I announced that I was joining Runscope as a developer advocate. This will be my 50th blog post since that one. I’ve covered all kinds of topics from the intricacies of HTTP to API design guidelines, tricks for using ASP.NET Web API, reviews of APIs, and summaries of some of the conferences that I […]
The site defines a specification for creating a document that declares the existence of an API on the web. This document provides some identification information about the API and links to documentation and to the actual API root URL. It also supports pointing to other resources like API design metadata documents and contact information for maintainers […]
I recently needed to create a new Web API project for some content I’m working on for a talk. I decided I might as well use the ASP.NET Web API Template to get started. The resulting project looked like this: 75 class files, 23 Razor templates, 34 unique Nuget packages, and 28 Javascript files before I wrote […]