Hypermedia Markup

Hypermedia Client Maturity Model

There have been a number of attempts to define a maturity model for building RESTful services.  The idea of the maturity model is that is gives an indication how closely the service complies with the constraints of REST and hopefully demonstrates the trade offs to be expected when choosing to not follow a particular constraint. One area […]

Message Handler

How to GET aHEAD with MessageHandlers!

It appears I need to go on vacation more often.  I seem to get more chance to experiment.  One of my first discussions about RACK was with Mike Kelly where he suggested a simple solution to implementing HEAD across an API.  Simply use a RACK application to convert a HEAD request to a GET and then when […]


The world’s simplest WCF Web API

We all have to start somewhere, and I like to start with the simplest possible thing that works.  So I created a Console application and used NuGet to pull in the WebAPI.All package which contains all my dependencies.[1] Once that was done, all I need is this: If you point a browser to http://localhost:9000 you will get your first […]


Web APIs: Don’t be a victim of your success.

It seems everyone these days wants an API for their web application.  Getting a primitive Web API up and running can be deceptively simple. However, what many people don’t realize is that with the success of an API can come a variety of problems. As developers, we are used to dealing with unforeseen problems, we […]

Rest Agent

Rest Agent – An introduction

You might say I’m a bit of a fan of the REST architectural style. Let me provide a little background to clarify why REST is important to me, so you can better understand my underlying objectives.  If we have similar objective then maybe this series of posts will be of interest to you. I write […]

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