Vary Header Accident

The Insanity of the Vary Header

In my first deep dive into a HTTP header on the user-agent header I said that I would try and produce a series of posts going under the covers on certain HTTP headers.  This post is about the Vary header.  The Vary header both wonderful and sad at the same time.  I’ll discuss how to make it work […]

Dog Tags

An HTTP Resource is a lot simpler than you might think

Unfortunately, I still regularly run into articles on the web that misunderstand the concept of an HTTP resource.  Considering it is a core piece of web architecture, having a clear understanding of what it means can make many other pieces of web architectural guidance considerably easier to understand. To try and keep this post as […]

Vanilla Ice Cream

Please, no more generic hypermedia types

This opinion has been stewing for a couple of years now, but following an excellent conversation I had with Ted Young the other evening at the API Craft San Francisco event, I think it is time to have more discussion around this subject. A little bit of history I have been a big supporter of the HAL media […]


There is Unicode in your URL!

In our Runscope HipChat room a few weeks ago, I was asked about Unicode encoding in URLs.  After a quick sob about why I never get asked the easy questions, I decided it was time to do some investigating.  I had explored this subject in the past whilst trying to get Unicode support working in my URI Templates […]

Boxing Identity

We all need an identity

A brewing debate in the .Net community recently came to a boil when Brendan Forster attempted to address an open issue for the Octokit library, Signed Octokit Releases, Yay or Nay? It is an interesting debate with many strong opinions.  Unfortunately I think the debate is down in the weeds and I’d like to add a bit of a […]


Experiments with Katana

A few months ago I put up a site with the intention of using it as place to aggregate links to all things hypermedia related. I built the site using Web API because a) I know how to use it, and b) I wanted to prove a point that a Web Site is really […]

Http Trace

HTTP Trace was never so easy

So there I was, sitting at my PC hunting some bugs when up pops John Sheehan on IM and starts asking me questions about OPTIONS and TRACE http methods.  I pretty much always have the HTTP spec close at hand so I think I was able to at least fake some prior knowledge in attempting to answer […]


Web APIs: Don’t be a victim of your success.

It seems everyone these days wants an API for their web application.  Getting a primitive Web API up and running can be deceptively simple. However, what many people don’t realize is that with the success of an API can come a variety of problems. As developers, we are used to dealing with unforeseen problems, we […]

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