Vary Header Accident

The Insanity of the Vary Header

In my first deep dive into a HTTP header on the user-agent header I said that I would try and produce a series of posts going under the covers on certain HTTP headers.  This post is about the Vary header.  The Vary header both wonderful and sad at the same time.  I’ll discuss how to make it work […]

Building Blocks Lego

Composing API responses for maximum reuse with ASP.NET Web API

In Web API 2.1 a new mechanism was introduced for returning HTTP messages that appeared to be a cross between HttpResponseMessage and the ActionResult mechanism from ASP.NET MVC.  At first I wasn’t a fan of it at all.  It appeared to add little new value and just provide yet another alternative that would a be a source of confusion.  […]

Dog Tags

An HTTP Resource is a lot simpler than you might think

Unfortunately, I still regularly run into articles on the web that misunderstand the concept of an HTTP resource.  Considering it is a core piece of web architecture, having a clear understanding of what it means can make many other pieces of web architectural guidance considerably easier to understand. To try and keep this post as […]

Big Bang

Single purpose media types and reusability

The one great thing about twitter is that you quickly find out what you failed to explain clearly 🙂  My efforts in advocating for single purpose media types failed to clarify that by single purpose, I am not suggesting that these media types should not be re-usable.  Let me try and explain. My realization was triggered by @inadarai ‘s […]

Best Before Date

Single purpose media types and caching

My recent post asking people to refrain from creating more generic hypermedia types sparked some good conversation on twitter between @mamund, @cometaj2, @mogsie, @inadarei and others.  Whilst thinking some more on the potential benefits of single purpose media types versus generic hypermedia types, realized there is a correlation between single purpose media types and representation lifetimes.  I thought it might be worth […]

Vanilla Ice Cream

Please, no more generic hypermedia types

This opinion has been stewing for a couple of years now, but following an excellent conversation I had with Ted Young the other evening at the API Craft San Francisco event, I think it is time to have more discussion around this subject. A little bit of history I have been a big supporter of the HAL media […]


Self-descriptive, isn’t. Don’t assume anything.

With the recent surge of interest in hypermedia APIs I am beginning to see the term “self-descriptive” thrown around quite frequently.  Unfortunately, the meaning of self-descriptive is not exactly self-descriptive, leading to misuse of the term.  Consider the following HTTP requests, Example 1 Example 2: I suspect a fair number of people will be surprised […]

Sharing Fiddler Requests

Sharing Fiddler requests using Runscope

Fiddler is an excellent tool that I have been using for many years to debug HTTP requests in local applications.  However, one of the things that Fiddler can’t do easily, out of the box, is allow you to share requests with other team members.  Sometimes it is nice to be able to show someone a HTTP […]

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