Visual Basic

So long Classic VB

I feel I have to weigh in to the current debate regarding the end of support of VB6. Many people have stated that they see no reason to move working VB6 applications to the .Net framework. They feel because they are still using VB6 that Microsoft should still support and enhance it. As a vendor […]

Biztalk Server

I was replaced by a biztalk server

I have to share this gem. This is from the first page of the Biztalk server documentation. “Imagine being the parts manager for an automobile manufacturing company. Your database system informs you that you are low on door handles, so you need to act quickly. You fax a purchase order (PO) to a supplier, who […]

Time Running Out

There is never enough time

I recently interviewed some students in the co-op program at Concordia University for an internship position this summer. Overall I was quite pleased with the quality of the candidates. There was one conversation that really stuck out for me. Each of the students was asked what they did outside of school to keep up to […]

Two Core Hyperthreading

Why I like hyperthreading!

One of questions that I had before buying my latest desktop was how beneficial is hyperthreading. I read all the performance reviews that compared the hyperthreaded P4s to their single threaded brethren and the concensus was pretty much that for today’s applications there is little benefit. Applications need to be written to take advantage of […]


Goodbye and Good Riddence

Mr. Grimes Farewell If this is the kind of FUD that Mr. Grimes usually puts out I’m glad he is giving up on .Net commentary column. His complaints from what I can see: – They copied stuff from WFC and VB. – The framework is too large for shareware developers, so it will never gain momentum. […]


XML: The good and the bad

Here is a link to the schema for an Advanced Shipping Notification document defined by the American Institute for Steel Construction. And here is the format for submitting a summary of an employee’s annual earnings(T4) to the Canadian government. The ASN has tags such as BillOfLadingReference, TransactionDateTime, ShipmentDateTime, ShipmentWeight and is nicely nested to represent the data relationships between […]

New PC

A New PC

Finally, I got myself a new PC. I can retire my well worn Dell 4100 PIII 1Ghz and move up to a Dell Precision 370 P4 2.8Ghz with 1GB. I haven’t got the machine up and running with all of my applications but so far I’m very happy. It has a 160 GB Serial ATA […]

com plus

TPC Benchmarks, a new Outlook

After reading this item on IBM’s new record setting hardware I took a quick gander at the TPC-C results. It has been probably 12-18 months since I last looked at these. What a different landscape! In the past Microsoft used to dominate the Price/Performance results. Not anymore. Looking at both the peformance results and the […]

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