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  • How to Build a Big Remote Data Team

    Being restricted by geographical boundaries when building a data team? You’re hampering your own potential. Despite the rise of remote work, many companies still struggle to find the right approach when it comes to building a large remote data team. Missteps can lead to inefficiencies and miscommunication. Think local when hiring for your data team?…

  • Onboarding Processes for Remote Tech Teams

    Most companies think a Slack introduction and an email chain constitute an effective remote onboarding process. Ignoring the vital role onboarding plays in integrating remote tech teams is a surefire way to hinder productivity and cohesion. The rise of remote work has laid bare the inadequacies of traditional onboarding processes. Unprepared, many companies fumble, leading…

  • Building a Cohesive Culture in Distributed Tech Teams: A Hypothesis-Driven Approach

    Thinking that borderless teams mean a culture-less environment is a flawed notion that will hold your distributed tech team back. Navigating time zones and cultural nuances while maintaining a cohesive culture is a hurdle that many companies fail to overcome, leading to fractured teams and mediocre outputs. Transform your approach and successfully build a culture…

  • Avoid These 5 Common AI Project Mistakes for Success

    Jumping on the AI bandwagon without a strategic plan is a recipe for disaster. Sadly, in the race to deploy AI capabilities, numerous businesses stumble over common pitfalls resulting in costly project failures. The AI development landscape is littered with failed projects, victims of common mistakes made in the rush to stay ahead in the…

  • Best Practices for Legacy System Migration

    Stubbornly clinging to outdated software? You’re walking a dangerous tightrope. Legacy systems, despite their reliability, are ticking time bombs—susceptible to security breaches, inefficiencies, and obsolescence. Sticking to these systems is like driving a vintage car; it may look great, but it lacks modern comfort and safety features. Holding on to your old software is akin…

  • Strategies for Retaining Top Tech Talent in Competitive Markets

    Your greatest tech assets are walking out the front door. The cutthroat market is evolving rapidly, leaving companies scrambling for top tech skills. Simply hiring the best isn’t enough anymore; indifference towards retention can lead to catastrophic consequences, including lost skills, lost time, and high costs. Believing that a competitive salary will ensure loyalty is…

Alt Net

Bellware on Alt.Net

I just listened to the Alt.Net podcast where Scott Bellware talks about the state of Alt.Net.  Bellware has recently become a major thorn in the side of

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Rest API

Gems from rest-discuss

Just catching up on some posts in the Yahoo group rest-discuss and there is some great wisdom in there. It is the hypermedia constraint that

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Net Sourcing

Net Sourcing

Scott Hanselman has a post talking about how his cousin’s company ran into some difficulty recently, that Scott believes could be resolved by “net sourcing” certain functionality.

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