Hire A Xamarin Developer

Hire a Remote Xamarin Developer from South America with Us


At Bizcoder, we pride ourselves on being a premier nearshore development company, providing top-tier remote Xamarin developers to businesses throughout the US, UK, and Canada. With Bizcoder, the process of hiring a Xamarin developer is streamlined, efficient, and tailored to your needs. We meticulously select the ideal remote Xamarin developer for your project, ensuring that their experience and skills closely align with your specific requirements. They are not only skilled and experienced but also trustworthy and industrious.

Leveraging a vast pool of South American Xamarin talent, we combine advanced AI matching technology with our profound expertise in Xamarin recruitment and project management to pinpoint the perfect developer for your initiative. Our recruitment process synergizes data-driven analytics, comprehensive interviews, and seasoned intuition to secure an optimal fit for your enterprise.

Our ambition is to facilitate the integration of a remote Xamarin developer into your team who will immediately start delivering superior Xamarin code. Our hiring protocol, honed through years of practice, comes with the endorsement of numerous thriving startups. To embark on the journey of finding your ideal Xamarin software developer with Bizcoder, reach out to us today.

Competitive South American Pricing

Tap into the enthusiasm of South American Xamarin developers who are keen to collaborate with US firms. Benefit from exceptional talent at competitive prices.

Transparent Costs, No Surprises

Our inclusive service manages all personnel benefits, local taxes, and employment-related expenses, ensuring you face no unforeseen financial burdens.

Thoroughly Vetted Xamarin Experts

Rest easy knowing that your Xamarin developer has passed our stringent selection process, assuring their professional expertise and competence.

Aligned Working Hours

Enjoy seamless collaboration with developers located in South America who readily align their schedules with US business hours for optimal communication and team integration.


Went above and beyond when there was a management deficiency on our side, they stepped in to help and made sure the project was delivered on time.
Hendrik Duerkop
Director Technology at Statista
They provided the key technical skills and staffing power we needed to augment our existing teams. Not only that, it was all done at great speed and low cost
Jason Pappas
CEO Rocket Docs
Showcased great communication, technical skills, honesty, and integrity. More importantly, they are experts who deliver complex projects on time and on budget!
Sachin Kainth
Director Technology MountStreetGroup

Why Are Remote Xamarin Developers in Demand?

In an era where mobile applications dominate the digital landscape, Xamarin has emerged as a quintessential framework for cross-platform development. Xamarin developers are in high demand due to their ability to craft robust applications that provide a near-native user experience across multiple platforms. This proficiency enables businesses to significantly reduce time-to-market and development costs while reaching a broader audience.

Moreover, Xamarin’s extensive code reusability across iOS, Android, and Windows platforms means developers can produce consistent results with fewer resources. Companies are constantly searching for skilled Xamarin developers who can navigate the complexities of the framework and deliver high-quality applications efficiently.

The soaring need for remote work solutions further underscores the value of remote Xamarin developers. They offer the flexibility and scalability that modern companies require to thrive in a rapidly changing tech landscape, ensuring that businesses remain adaptable and competitive in a global market.

Benefits of Xamarin to Companies

developer working

The Role of Xamarin Developers in Software Development

Xamarin developers play a pivotal role in the software development lifecycle, particularly when it comes to cross-platform mobile app creation. They are responsible for translating the needs of the business into functional and user-friendly applications. By leveraging the Xamarin framework, they can produce apps that run smoothly on assorted devices while maintaining the native look, feel, and performance. Xamarin developers integrate APIs, work with various data sources, and ensure that the application’s backend is robust and secure. The code they write is not just functional but also scalable and maintainable, thus serving the business needs for the long term.

Why Hire a Remote Xamarin Developer?

The versatility of remote Xamarin developers makes them assets to any team looking to enhance their mobile application strategies. Firstly, by hiring remotely, you access a wider talent pool, untethered by geographic constraints, which means you can select from the crème de la crème of developers globally.

Secondly, remote Xamarin developers bring flexibility to the project. They can adapt to fluctuating project demands and work schedules, helping your business keep pace with market changes and customer needs. This flexibility often leads to higher productivity and innovation.

Lastly, the cost-effectiveness of hiring remote developers can’t be overstated. It eliminates the overhead associated with in-house staffing, such as office space and equipment, while facilitating competitive pricing that doesn’t compromise on quality. Remote Xamarin developers allow for budget-friendly scaling of your development team as business demands grow.

Programmer working

A Reliable Development Partner For You


In order to develop apps and websites, you need a partner with experience and reliability. We strive to provide a professional and premium service to all of our customers. Our development team can help you get off to a great start!

Benefits of Hiring a Remote Xamarin Developer from Us

Choosing Bizcoder for your remote Xamarin developer needs comes with a suite of advantages. You gain immediate access to a pre-vetted talent pool, ensuring that the developer joining your team is already vetted for quality and expertise. Our streamlined recruitment process means you save valuable time and resources, as we handle the groundwork of sourcing and evaluating candidates.

Furthermore, our developers are not only technically proficient but also come with a strong work ethic and a commitment to delivering results. With Bizcoder, you will find that our developers integrate effortlessly into your existing teams, upholding your company culture while contributing to your projects with a high degree of independence and professionalism. Our tailored approach guarantees that you’ll team up with a developer who’s not just a good fit for the job but the perfect fit for your company.

How much does it cost to hire a Remote Xamarin Developer?

When considering the cost of hiring a remote Xamarin developer, it’s essential to recognize that a multitude of factors can influence the overall expense. Variables such as the developer’s level of expertise, accumulated experience, geographic location, and the current state of the market all play critical roles in determining the cost.

Seasoned Xamarin developers bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Their experience often translates into the provision of high-quality results, efficiency in workflow, and a breadth of specialized skills that are invaluable to complex projects. As such, their services are typically associated with premium rates.

Conversely, developers at the onset of their careers may offer more affordable rates as they build their portfolio and gain practical experience in the field.

Bizcoder is committed to providing excellent value, balancing cost with the quality of service. Our hourly rates are set to ensure you have access to proficient developers who can contribute effectively to your projects. For our South American Xamarin Developers, the following competitive rates apply:


    Prices From
    • Works to U.S time zones
    • No Recruitment Fees
    • Vetted Skills & Experience
    • Fulltime Working for you
    • No Unreliable Freelancers


    Prices From
    • Works to U.S time zones
    • No Recruitment Fees
    • Vetted Skills & Experience
    • Fulltime Working for you
    • No Unreliable Freelancers


    Prices From
    • Works to U.S time zones
    • No Recruitment Fees
    • Vetted Skills & Experience
    • Fulltime Working for you
    • No Unreliable Freelancers

    With us, you can hire a Xamarin Developer from South America.

    Developer prices may vary depending on exact skill and experience requirements and availability.

    You’ll have to decide which one works best for your project based on its specifics.

    What does Xamarin code look like?

    Xamarin is a powerful platform for developing cross-platform applications using C#. Let’s take a look at a simple example of Xamarin code which creates a basic user interface with a button that, when clicked, shows a toast message. This example will be using Xamarin.Forms, which allows sharing of the UI code across multiple platforms.

    					using Xamarin.Forms;
    public class SimpleApp : ContentPage
        public SimpleApp()
            // Create a new button and set its properties
            var clickMeButton = new Button
                Text = "Click Me",
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
            // Subscribe to the Clicked event of the button
            clickMeButton.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
                // Display a toast when the button is clicked
                DisplayAlert("Hello", "The button was clicked!", "OK");
            // Set the Content of the Page to the button
            Content = clickMeButton;
    // Application entry point
    public class App : Application
        public App()
            // Set the MainPage of the app to SimpleApp
            MainPage = new SimpleApp();
    This block of code demonstrates the creation of a basic Xamarin.Forms page with a single button. When the user presses the button, a popup alert (toast) is displayed. Xamarin's approach to UI design allows developers to create user interfaces in C# or XAML that are rendered as native controls on each platform, giving a native look and feel to the app while sharing logic across platforms.

    Identifying Your Xamarin Development Needs

    Core Xamarin Expertise and Specializations

    When embarking on a Xamarin development project, it’s crucial to identify the specific expertise and specializations required for your particular project. Xamarin developers should have a solid grasp of C# and .NET, as well as a deep understanding of the Xamarin framework itself. They should also be proficient in native platform APIs for iOS and Android if crafting tailored experiences on each platform is necessary. Other specializations may include UI/UX design skills, knowledge of MVVM design patterns, and familiarity with Xamarin.Forms for cross-platform UI development.

    App Development and Frameworks

    Xamarin stands out in the realm of mobile app development by allowing developers to create native iOS, Android, and Windows apps with a single shared .NET codebase. The main frameworks include Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android, which give developers the power to utilize platform-specific APIs while sharing business logic across platforms. Xamarin.Forms further elevates cross-platform app development by enabling the sharing of not just logic but also UI components, drastically reducing the effort needed for creating complex user interfaces. Companies require these frameworks to accelerate development, reduce maintenance, and ensure that their apps can evolve rapidly to meet business and market needs.

    remote developer

    Other Popular Uses for Xamarin

    Beyond mobile app development, Xamarin can be employed for wearable and IoT applications, expanding the interconnectivity between devices and providing seamless user experiences across different form factors. With the rise of smart devices, companies are increasingly leveraging Xamarin to develop applications that can communicate and operate across a diverse ecosystem, from wrist-worn fitness trackers to smart home devices. Xamarin’s ability to maintain a shared codebase across various platforms is particularly valuable for companies aiming to enter or expand their presence in the IoT space without multiplying development efforts.

    Development Team

    The Benefits of Hiring Dedicated Xamarin Developers

    Opting for dedicated Xamarin developers over freelancers or contract workers comes with significant benefits. A dedicated developer is fully immersed in your company’s projects, culture, and goals, leading to a deeper understanding of your business needs and a more personalized approach to app development. This commitment fosters better communication, reliability, and continuity in your projects. Unlike gig workers, dedicated developers are in it for the long haul, ensuring consistent quality and the flexibility to pivot as project requirements evolve, which is instrumental for startups and businesses looking to sustain and grow their development efforts.

    Project-Specific vs. Long-Term Xamarin Development Requirements

    The decision between enlisting project-specific Xamarin developers or engaging long-term development services depends on your company’s goals. For one-off projects or applications with a clear endpoint, project-specific developers can offer the focus and expertise to execute the task efficiently. However, if your business anticipates ongoing development with evolving features and maintenance requirements, a long-term partnership with developers who understand the lifecycle of your app is invaluable. This approach guarantees that your app remains up-to-date, secure, and aligned with user feedback and market trends.

    The Strategic Process to Hire Xamarin Developers with Bizcoder

    At Bizcoder, our streamlined process makes hiring Xamarin developers not only easy but also dependable. We pledge a smooth and reliable experience, providing top-tier developers well-versed in the Xamarin platform, ensuring your projects are in capable hands.

    Hire Xamarin Developers in 4 Easy Steps

    Defining Your Project Requirements

    Understanding the scope and objectives of your Xamarin project is the initial step. We work closely with you to pinpoint the exact skill set and experience level needed to achieve your goals. This clear definition of project requirements ensures that you get developers who are ideally matched to your technological needs and business objectives, paving the way for a successful partnership and project outcome.

    We Provide Top Xamarin Developers Vetted and Tested for You to Consider

    At Bizcoder, we take the legwork out of the hiring process by presenting you with top Xamarin developers who have already been rigorously vetted and tested. We ensure that each candidate possesses a reliable work ethic, strong problem-solving abilities, and a proven track record of delivering quality code. This meticulous vetting process is designed to provide you with peace of mind and a smooth transition as you integrate new talent into your team.

    Developer Interview: Screening for the Best Fit for Your Team

    You have the opportunity to conduct interviews with our handpicked Xamarin developers to find the perfect match for your team. We facilitate discussions that allow you to gauge the developer’s technical capabilities and personal fit with your organization. This critical step ensures that the developer you choose will complement your existing team dynamics and contribute effectively to your project goals.

    Onboarding, We Are Here to Support You

    When you hire through Bizcoder, our support continues beyond the hiring process. We assist you in onboarding new Xamarin developers, helping them to quickly acclimate and become productive members of your project. Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition, equipping your new developers with the tools and knowledge they need to make an immediate impact on your development endeavors.

    Interview Questions to Hire Xamarin Developers

    Basics and Advanced Xamarin Concepts

    Formulating the right set of interview questions is vital in identifying Xamarin developers who are well-versed in both basic and advanced concepts of the framework. Queries should cover a range of topics, from the fundamentals of the Xamarin environment to complex subjects such as memory management, data binding, and platform-specific customizations. A deep dive into their experience with Xamarin.Forms and native API access can also provide insight into their hands-on expertise with the platform.

    Data Structure, Algorithms, and Problem-Solving

    Interview questions should also explore the developer’s understanding of data structures and algorithms as they are essential in crafting efficient Xamarin applications. Assess their problem-solving approach through real-world scenarios or technical challenges to determine how they navigate through complex coding issues. Their responses will reveal their proficiency in algorithmic thinking and their ability to write optimized, maintainable code.


    Monitoring and Performance for Proven Results and Reliable Productivity

    At Bizcoder, we are committed to ensuring you receive proven results and steady productivity from your new Xamarin developer. We employ advanced monitoring software that takes periodic screenshots and tracks time, so you only incur costs when your developer is actively working on your project. This system increases transparency and productivity, creating a trustworthy environment for remote work.

    Should any concerns arise, Bizcoder is prepared to step in and assist with issue resolution and effective management. Our active support structure is designed to foster a productive and successful partnership, guaranteeing that your Xamarin development needs are met with the highest standards of excellence.

    Looking to take advantage of South American rates for Xamarin Developers?

    What can you do with a Xamarin Developer?

    Xamarin developers are crucial in the mobile development industry, leveraging their specialized skills to build, test, and maintain applications across multiple platforms using the Xamarin framework. Their role is to harness the power of Xamarin to create applications that offer native user experiences while sharing as much code as possible across platforms, such as iOS and Android. This approach maximizes efficiency and consistency while minimizing development and maintenance costs.

    Companies use Xamarin developers for various applications, ranging from consumer-facing apps that require a seamless experience regardless of the user’s device, to enterprise applications that must integrate with existing systems and manage sensitive data securely. Xamarin developers can also implement sophisticated UI/UX designs, connect apps with back-end services, and ensure that applications perform optimally with real-time data processing.

    What does do

    Final considerations when hiring Xamarin Developers


    When hiring a Xamarin developer, several critical considerations must be accounted for to ensure a successful match for your project. A keen understanding of the framework alignment with your project’s objectives is paramount. It’s beneficial to find a developer who has experience working with the specific frameworks and tools your project requires, such as Xamarin.Forms for cross-platform UI development or Xamarin.Essentials for utilizing native features.

    Soft skills are equally important; a Xamarin developer who can communicate effectively, collaborate with other team members, and adapt to your company’s culture will prove integral to the project’s success. A robust match goes beyond technical prowess; it encompasses the ability to work within a team structure, solve problems creatively, and manage time efficiently.

    How BizCoder Helps You Find the Perfect Match


    At Bizcoder, we employ a comprehensive approach to matching you with the ideal Xamarin developer. Our method utilizes a sophisticated AI algorithm paired with the discernment of seasoned human recruiters to find candidates whose technical skills and framework experience align perfectly with your project needs. We delve into one-on-one conversations to evaluate candidates’ soft skills, social aptitude, and language proficiency, ensuring they’re not just a technical fit but also a cultural and communicational asset to your team.

    Our technical assessments are rigorous and recorded, utilizing the latest industry-standard tools to confirm candidates have the appropriate skills. We typically propose developers who have proven their expertise on other US-based projects, having received positive feedback regarding their skills and work ethic.

    With Bizcoder, you gain a partner dedicated to providing a seamless hiring process, delivering developers who are well-equipped to propel your projects to success with their technical excellence and aligned personal attributes.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Bizcoder stands out as the prime choice for hiring Xamarin developers because of our deep expertise in remote software development. We specialize in creating a bridge between South American technical talent and companies from the USA, Canada, and the UK. Our developers are not only proficient in English but also bring rich, varied experiences and a strong work ethic to the table. By offering dedicated full-stack developers and supporting roles, we ensure that clients receive a comprehensive, collaborative team tailored to their project needs. At Bizcoder, we are committed to quality, transparency, and building long-term partnerships that drive success for your Xamarin development projects.

    Addressing challenges in hiring Xamarin developers starts with a strategic partnership with a company like Bizcoder. We mitigate common hiring issues such as talent scarcity and cultural fit by providing access to a vast pool of rigorously vetted, English-speaking developers from South America. Our seasoned recruitment experts manage the hiring complexities, from evaluating technical skills to matching soft skills with your team dynamics. This proactive approach minimizes the risk and accelerates the hiring process while ensuring a successful, quality hire.

    Writing a job description for a Xamarin developer requires clarity on technical requirements and project goals. Begin with a concise job title and company introduction. Outline the key responsibilities, from developing cross-platform mobile applications using Xamarin to collaborating with UX/UI designers. Specify necessary skills, like proficiency in C# and .NET, and experience with Xamarin.Forms and native APIs. Highlight soft skills such as problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. Set clear expectations regarding work hours, collaboration with remote teams, and any specific industry experience. Remember to include any benefits or unique selling points of working with your company.

    At Bizcoder, we offer a spectrum of Xamarin developers to match any project’s requirements. From junior developers eager to apply their foundational skills to projects, to senior developers who bring a wealth of experience and deep technical expertise, our talent pool is diverse. We provide specialists in Xamarin.Forms for cross-platform UI development and experts in platform-specific Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android. Our developers are well-versed in the latest industry trends and tools, ensuring that we have the right professional ready to tackle your specific development challenges.

    If you face the need to reduce development costs after hiring Xamarin developers, Bizcoder offers flexible solutions. Our scalable model allows you to adjust the size of your dedicated team or the hours worked in response to your financial constraints. We work with you to find a balance that maintains progress without sacrificing project quality. With our competitive rates and transparent pricing structure, you can manage your budget more effectively while continuing to benefit from our high-caliber developers.

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