Hire A MeanStack Developer

Hire a Remote MeanStack Developer from South America with Us


At Bizcoder, we excel at streamlining the process of connecting businesses in the US, UK, and Canada with top-tier Remote MeanStack Developers from South America. Our approach is simple yet effective: understand your specific needs, and match you with a developer who is not only experienced but also diligent and committed. With Bizcoder, you gain access to a vast reservoir of skilled MeanStack talent from South America. We blend cutting-edge AI technology with deep human expertise in MeanStack recruitment to provide you with optimal hiring solutions. Our algorithm, combined with personal intuition and interviews, ensures that we find the perfect match for your project’s needs. Over the years, we’ve perfected our hiring process, trusted by dynamic startups worldwide. Let Bizcoder find your ideal MeanStack software developer—contact us today to begin.

South American Prices

Benefit from competitive rates with our South American MeanStack Developers, keen to add value to US-based enterprises.

No Surprise Extra Costs

We handle all local employment-related expenses, ensuring a transparent costing with no hidden fees.

Vetted Professional Remote Developers

Our MeanStack Developers undergo a stringent selection process, ensuring only the most capable professionals handle your projects.

Work to USA Hours

Located in Brazil, our developers align their work hours with US time zones, facilitating seamless integration with your existing team.


Went above and beyond when there was a management deficiency on our side, they stepped in to help and made sure the project was delivered on time.
Hendrik Duerkop
Director Technology at Statista
They provided the key technical skills and staffing power we needed to augment our existing teams. Not only that, it was all done at great speed and low cost
Jason Pappas
CEO Rocket Docs
Showcased great communication, technical skills, honesty, and integrity. More importantly, they are experts who deliver complex projects on time and on budget!
Sachin Kainth
Director Technology MountStreetGroup

Why Are Remote MeanStack Developers in Demand?

Remote MeanStack Developers are increasingly sought after due to their ability to handle full-stack development, offering both frontend and backend solutions. The MEAN stack – MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js – is a powerful set of technologies that can create efficient and scalable applications. Companies seek these developers for the stack’s flexibility, scalability, and speed in delivering high-quality web applications.

As businesses move towards more integrated and agile operations, the importance of having a robust digital presence is undeniable. Remote MeanStack Developers enable companies to achieve this by offering versatile, efficient, and comprehensive development solutions that adapt to changing market needs.

Moreover, the rise of cloud technologies and the need for real-time application performance drive the demand for MeanStack skills. Businesses require developers who can leverage the full potential of these technologies to enhance user experiences and optimize operational efficiency.

Benefits of Using MeanStack

developer working

The Role of MeanStack Developers in Software Development

MeanStack Developers play a critical role in modern software development, offering a full-stack development solution that empowers companies to streamline their development process under a single JavaScript-based technology stack. These developers handle everything from database management with MongoDB, server-side processing with Node.js, client-side handling with AngularJS, to efficient network applications with Express.js. Their skills enable the rapid development of scalable and maintainable web applications.

Why Hire a Remote MeanStack Developer?

Hiring a remote MeanStack Developer offers numerous advantages, including access to a broader talent pool and cost savings on logistical expenses. Remote developers can deliver high-quality work with the same proficiency as in-house staff but from any location, ensuring that your projects progress smoothly regardless of geographic boundaries. Moreover, remote work facilitates a better work-life balance for developers, often resulting in higher job satisfaction and productivity.

By integrating a remote MeanStack Developer into your team, you gain the flexibility to scale your development capacity quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re undertaking new projects or need extra hands to meet deadlines, these developers can adapt swiftly to your operational pace and contribute immediately.

Furthermore, working with a remote developer from a nearshore location like South America can offer significant cost advantages without compromising on quality. This strategic approach not only keeps your project budget in check but also leverages international expertise.

Programmer working

A Reliable Development Partner For You


In order to develop apps and websites, you need a partner with experience and reliability. We strive to provide a professional and premium service to all of our customers. Our development team can help you get off to a great start!

Benefits of Hiring a Remote MeanStack Developer from Us

Choosing Bizcoder for your remote MeanStack Developer needs comes with distinct advantages. Our refined selection process ensures that only the most skilled and proven developers join your team. We maintain a robust talent pool, ensuring quick staffing solutions that do not compromise quality.

Our developers are well-versed in both the technical and collaborative aspects of remote work. They are equipped with the communication tools and work ethics needed to integrate seamlessly with your existing teams and align with your corporate culture.

Lastly, our commitment to your satisfaction extends beyond the hiring process. Bizcoder provides ongoing support and oversight to ensure that our developers continue to meet your expectations and contribute to your success effectively.

How much does it cost to hire a Remote MeanStack Developer?

When determining the cost of hiring a Remote MeanStack Developer, several factors influence the final rate, including the developer’s level of expertise, experience, geographic location, and prevailing market conditions.

Experienced MeanStack Developers who possess advanced skills not only produce higher-quality outcomes but are also capable of working more efficiently and with greater specialization. Naturally, their rates are higher to reflect their added value.

On the other hand, developers who are just beginning their careers in the MeanStack environment may offer more competitive rates as they build their experience and portfolio.

At Bizcoder, our competitive pricing for South American MeanStack Developers is structured as follows:


Prices From
  • Works to U.S time zones
  • No Recruitment Fees
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Fulltime Working for you
  • No Unreliable Freelancers


Prices From
  • Works to U.S time zones
  • No Recruitment Fees
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Fulltime Working for you
  • No Unreliable Freelancers


Prices From
  • Works to U.S time zones
  • No Recruitment Fees
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Fulltime Working for you
  • No Unreliable Freelancers

With us, you can hire a MeanStack Developer from South America.

Developer prices may vary depending on exact skill and experience requirements and availability.

You’ll have to decide which one works best for your project based on its specifics.

What does MeanStack code look like?

To provide a clearer understanding of what MeanStack code entails, here is a practical example showcasing components from MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js — the technologies that form the MEAN stack.

This example illustrates a simple API using Node.js and Express.js, and how it interacts with a MongoDB database. It also includes a basic AngularJS front-end snippet that can call the API and display the results.

Node.js / Express.js (Backend):

					const express = require('express');
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

const app = express();
const port = 3000;
const url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/";
const dbName = "meanDatabase";


// Connecting to MongoDB
MongoClient.connect(url, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true }, (err, client) => {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log("Database connected!");
  const db = client.db(dbName);

  // API to fetch data
  app.get('/api/data', (req, res) => {
    db.collection("data").find({}).toArray((err, result) => {
      if (err) throw err;

  // Start server
  app.listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`Server running at http://localhost:${port}/`);

AngularJS (Frontend):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<head> <script defer src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.8.0/angular.min.js"></script> </head>
<body data-rsssl=1 ng-app="meanApp" ng-controller="mainController">
    <li ng-repeat="item in data">{{ item.name }}</li>
  </ul> <script defer src="data:text/javascript;base64,dmFyIGFwcD1hbmd1bGFyLm1vZHVsZSgnbWVhbkFwcCcsW10pO2FwcC5jb250cm9sbGVyKCdtYWluQ29udHJvbGxlcicsZnVuY3Rpb24oJHNjb3BlLCRodHRwKXskaHR0cC5nZXQoJy9hcGkvZGF0YScpLnRoZW4oZnVuY3Rpb24ocmVzcG9uc2UpeyRzY29wZS5kYXRhPXJlc3BvbnNlLmRhdGE7fSk7fSk7"></script> <script data-no-optimize="1">!function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=e():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(e):(t="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:t||self).LazyLoad=e()}(this,function(){"use strict";function e(){return(e=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var n,a=arguments[e];for(n in a)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,n)&&(t[n]=a[n])}return t}).apply(this,arguments)}function i(t){return e({},it,t)}function o(t,e){var n,a="LazyLoad::Initialized",i=new t(e);try{n=new CustomEvent(a,{detail:{instance:i}})}catch(t){(n=document.createEvent("CustomEvent")).initCustomEvent(a,!1,!1,{instance:i})}window.dispatchEvent(n)}function l(t,e){return t.getAttribute(gt+e)}function c(t){return l(t,bt)}function s(t,e){return function(t,e,n){e=gt+e;null!==n?t.setAttribute(e,n):t.removeAttribute(e)}(t,bt,e)}function r(t){return s(t,null),0}function u(t){return null===c(t)}function d(t){return c(t)===vt}function f(t,e,n,a){t&&(void 0===a?void 0===n?t(e):t(e,n):t(e,n,a))}function _(t,e){nt?t.classList.add(e):t.className+=(t.className?" 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This example shows a basic MEAN stack interaction: the server-side application using Node.js and Express.js handles the connection to MongoDB and defines a simple API. Meanwhile, the AngularJS front-end consumes this API and displays the data. This interaction exemplifies how the components of the MEAN stack work together to handle data-intensive applications efficiently.

Identifying Your MeanStack Development Needs

Core MeanStack Expertise and Specializations

MeanStack refers to a combination of technologies used to develop web applications. MEAN is an acronym for MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. MongoDB is a NoSQL database, Express.js is a backend web application framework, AngularJS is a frontend framework, and Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications.

Web Development and Frameworks

MeanStack is pivotal for modern web development, offering a cohesive environment that uses JavaScript across the full stack. This uniformity means that developers can work more fluidly, reducing conflicts between the front end and back end code and enhancing team productivity. Here’s why companies need these technologies:

  • MongoDB offers a flexible, schema-less database that integrates well with JavaScript, making it ideal for handling large volumes of data and speeding up the development process.
  • Express.js simplifies the process of building server-side applications with Node.js. It’s minimal, scalable, and supports numerous plugins that can handle more sophisticated applications.
  • AngularJS provides a robust framework for developing dynamic, single-page web applications. It allows developers to use HTML as their template language and lets HTML’s syntax extend to express the application’s components clearly and succinctly.
  • Node.js facilitates building scalable and efficient network applications. It is capable of handling many connections simultaneously, making it suitable for high-performance, real-time applications.

These technologies are crucial for companies looking to develop intuitive, robust, and scalable web applications that can handle real-time data and offer seamless cross-platform performance.

remote developer

Other Popular Uses for MeanStack

MeanStack’s versatility makes it suitable for more than just web applications. It is also effectively used in building real-time collaboration tools, complex single-page applications (SPAs), and APIs. Companies leverage MeanStack to create:

  • Real-time chat applications: Utilizing the non-blocking architecture of Node.js and the data synchronization abilities of MongoDB.
  • E-commerce sites: Benefiting from AngularJS’s user-friendly features and the ability to handle complex transactions and interactions smoothly with Node.js and Express.js.

These applications are crucial for businesses aiming to provide enhanced user experiences and real-time services, which can significantly boost customer satisfaction and business efficiency.

Development Team

The Benefits of Hiring Dedicated MeanStack Developers

Hiring dedicated MeanStack developers, as opposed to freelancers or gig workers, offers several distinct advantages:

  • Consistency and reliability: Dedicated developers are committed to your project, providing consistent work and staying aligned with your company’s goals.
  • Security: Full-time developers help ensure your project’s integrity and confidentiality, reducing the risk associated with transient freelance workers.
  • Skill growth: Dedicated developers tend to continuously improve their skills as they grow with your project, contributing more significantly over time.
  • Efficiency: With a deep understanding of your project, dedicated developers can work more efficiently and proactively anticipate needs or challenges.

These benefits make dedicated developers particularly valuable for long-term projects or where security and product continuity are priorities.

Project-Specific vs. Long-Term MeanStack Development Requirements

The choice between hiring developers for project-specific or long-term engagements depends largely on the company’s needs:

  • Project-specific developers are ideal for short-term, clearly defined projects. They are focused on delivering specific functionalities or features and are well-suited for tasks with a tight deadline or distinct end goals.
  • Long-term developers are more suitable for ongoing projects or the development of software that requires continuous updates, maintenance, and new features. They become deeply familiar with the project’s wider context, which can improve both the quality and the evolution of the software.

Understanding these different requirements can help companies make informed decisions about staffing, optimizing both resources and outcomes in MeanStack development projects.

The Strategic Process to Hire MeanStack Developers with Bizcoder

At Bizcoder, hiring MeanStack Developers is a streamlined, reliable, and efficient process. We provide top-tier, English-speaking developers from South America, ensuring a smooth integration into your teams with dependable outcomes.

Hire MeanStack Developers in 4 Easy Steps

Defining Your Project Requirements

The initial step in our hiring process involves a detailed analysis of your project requirements. This ensures that we understand the scope, technical needs, and specific goals of your project. By comprehensively assessing your needs, we can tailor our search to find developers who not only meet but exceed your expectations in terms of skills, experience, and innovation.

We Provide Top MeanStack Developers Vetted and Tested for You to Consider

Bizcoder takes pride in offering developers who are not just skilled but have also been rigorously vetted and tested. Before you even meet them, we ensure that they have proven their capabilities in MeanStack technologies through practical assessments. We evaluate their problem-solving abilities and work ethics, ensuring reliable and productive team members ready to contribute to your projects.

Developer Interview: Screening for the Best Fit for Your Team

Once we've identified potential candidates, you'll have the opportunity to conduct interviews with our MeanStack Developers. This step allows you to assess whether they are a good fit for your team culturally and technically. You can delve into their communication skills, technical expertise, and teamwork capabilities, ensuring the perfect match for your specific needs.

Onboarding, We Are Here to Support You

When you decide to hire a MeanStack Developer from Bizcoder, our support doesn’t end there. We assist with the onboarding process, helping your new developers to integrate seamlessly into your projects. We ensure they understand your company's workflow, culture, and expectations, making them productive and effective members of your team from day one.

Interview Questions to Hire MeanStack Developers

Basics and Advanced MeanStack Concepts

When interviewing a potential MeanStack Developer, it’s crucial to cover both basic and advanced concepts of the MEAN stack. Start by asking about their experience with MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. Dive deeper into how they’ve used these technologies in past projects, their understanding of MEAN stack’s structure, and capabilities. Discuss specific challenges they have faced with MeanStack applications and how they resolved them. This will give you insight into their practical knowledge and problem-solving skills.

Data Structure, Algorithms, and Problem-Solving

A competent MeanStack Developer must have a strong grasp of data structures and algorithms as these are the backbone of efficient application development. Ask candidates to explain how they have optimized data handling and storage in MongoDB or how they have implemented complex algorithms in Node.js. Questions about real-world problem-solving scenarios can also reveal their ability to navigate and innovate under pressure, providing practical insights into their technical proficiency.


Monitoring and Performance for Proven Results and Reliable Productivity

At Bizcoder, we understand the importance of productivity and results. Therefore, we utilize monitoring software that includes time tracking and periodic screenshots to ensure that you only pay for productive work hours. This system not only enhances productivity but also maintains transparency between you and your outsourced developers.

If any performance issues arise, Bizcoder is ready to step in. We can help resolve any concerns and manage situations effectively, ensuring that your project remains on track and your MeanStack Developer meets your expectations. Our proactive approach guarantees that your collaboration with our developers is successful, driving reliable results and fostering a productive working environment.

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What Can You Do with a MeanStack Developer?

MeanStack developers are invaluable for companies looking to enhance their web application capabilities. With expertise in MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js, these professionals can handle various aspects of software development from server-side programming to front-end user interfaces. The use of a single, consistent language—JavaScript—across both client and server sides can streamline development processes and integrate more seamlessly than other multi-language stacks.

For businesses, utilizing MeanStack developers can lead to a more agile development process, enhanced scalability, and improved performance at decreased costs. Their ability to manage and apply changes quickly without disrupting the user experience is crucial for dynamic web applications. They are also adept at building APIs that allow web solutions to communicate with other applications smoothly, facilitating better service-oriented architectures.

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Final Considerations When Hiring a MeanStack Developer

code test

When it comes to hiring a MeanStack developer, there are several critical considerations to ensure a successful fit into your project and team. First, it is essential to match the specific frameworks and technologies associated with the MeanStack that the developer is proficient in with those required for your project. For instance, if your project demands extensive use of AngularJS, ensure the developer has proven expertise with this framework.

Beyond the technical fit, soft skills also play a crucial role. Communication, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork are paramount, especially in agile development environments. Since MeanStack developers often work in cross-functional teams, their ability to effectively communicate and collaborate cannot be overstated. Evaluating these skills during the hiring process will help ensure that the developer can integrate well with your existing team dynamics and contribute positively.

How BizCoder Helps You Find the Perfect Match


At Bizcoder, our goal is to ensure that you find the perfect MeanStack developer for your needs. We combine sophisticated AI matching algorithms with the nuanced insights of experienced human recruiters to create a detailed profile of each candidate. This dual approach allows us to match technical skills and framework expertise meticulously with your project requirements.

Our selection process involves several steps designed to assess not only technical proficiency but also soft skills and language capabilities. We conduct in-depth interviews to evaluate communication skills and cultural fit. Additionally, our technical testing is rigorous and recorded; we use the latest tools and methodologies to verify that candidates have the necessary skills. This includes real-world coding tests and problem-solving scenarios relevant to your project’s needs.

Furthermore, we often provide developers who have already successfully participated in projects with other US teams. This track record allows us to offer candidates who have demonstrated excellence in their skills and work ethic, as evidenced by positive feedback from previous engagements. By choosing Bizcoder, you are not just hiring a developer; you are ensuring a strategic addition to your team who will bring proven expertise and a strong commitment to your project’s success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Bizcoder stands out as the premier choice for hiring MeanStack developers due to our specialized focus on providing English-speaking, South American talent that matches the technical and cultural dynamics of companies in the USA, Canada, and the UK. Our recruitment process combines advanced AI algorithms and experienced human insights to ensure a perfect match according to your specific project needs. With Bizcoder, you gain access to a pool of developers who are not only technically proficient but have also been vetted for their problem-solving skills and reliability. Our ongoing support and transparent communication further enhance our commitment to your project’s success, making us the best partner in your development journey.

Hiring MeanStack developers can present challenges such as finding the right skill match, ensuring cultural fit, and managing remote team dynamics. At Bizcoder, we address these challenges by implementing a rigorous selection process that includes technical assessments, behavioral interviews, and soft skills evaluation. We ensure that developers are not only technically adept but also a good fit for your company’s culture and work environment. Our support extends beyond hiring; we assist in onboarding and continuous management to facilitate seamless integration and productivity of our developers in your projects.

Writing an effective job description for a MeanStack developer requires clarity about the role’s technical requirements and the soft skills necessary for your team’s dynamics. Start by outlining the specific technologies within the MEAN stack that the developer needs to be proficient in, such as MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. Specify the level of experience required and any particular industry knowledge that may be beneficial. Include expectations regarding problem-solving abilities, teamwork, and communication skills. Clarifying these expectations will help attract candidates who are a good fit and prepared to contribute meaningfully to your projects.

Bizcoder provides a diverse range of MeanStack developers, from junior to senior levels, catering to different project scales and complexities. Our developers are proficient in all aspects of the MEAN stack—MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js—and bring with them varied industry experience from e-commerce and healthcare to fintech and social media projects. Whether you need a developer to enhance your existing team’s capabilities on a short-term project or a dedicated developer for a long-term engagement, Bizcoder has the talent and flexibility to meet your needs.

If there comes a need to reduce development costs after hiring MeanStack developers, Bizcoder offers several flexible solutions to accommodate your new budgetary constraints. We can adjust the scope of work, scale down the team size, or shift to a more cost-effective engagement model without compromising the quality of your project. Our priority is to maintain a balance between cost efficiency and the continuous delivery of high-quality development services. Additionally, our project managers can help reallocate resources more efficiently to ensure that critical elements of your project continue moving forward.

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