Azure API Management

Azure API Management Resources

Although I know my HTTP and Web API pretty well, becoming an API Evangelist on the Azure API Management team means also needing to know the nitty gritty of the Azure API Management product too.  In my learning process I have discovered a wealth of useful information, but it is scattered around a little.  Some is on the Azure documentation site, some on Channel 9, some on YouTube and some awesome content from our Microsoft MVPs.  This post is my attempt to gather it together to make it a bit easier to find. 

Azure API Management

This is a first cut at collecting together the material.  I’ll add more content as I find it and update this post.

Getting Started

There are lots of getting started videos for Azure API Management and a simple getting started article.  We’re currently working on a new getting started article that will demonstrate some of the new features the team has been adding recently.


Policy Features

The policy engine in API management is the piece that allows you to add all kinds of useful behaviour into your request/response HTTP pipeline.  We have basic articles showing you the syntax and operations of the policies and we have lots of videos and articles showing practical examples of using the policies.


Rate Limiting Policies


Logging Policies


Integration Policies


Security Policies


Caching Policies


Portal Customization

The developer portal is the self-serve interface for the consumers of your APIs.  This is a highly customizable place for developers to learn what APIs you have and how to consume them.  More customization cabilities will be released in the coming weeks.


Automation / DevOps

The API Management instance is a key piece of the overal system architecutre.  It needs to be just as automatable and manageable as other parts of your system.  Look out for some major enhancements coming soon in this area.


Use Cases

Learning from customer usage is the key to driving the future of the product in the right direction.  I’m sure there are more of these types of articles around and I’ll add them as I find them.

End To End Samples

Azure API Management Master Class

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